Your ABCs to Laser tattoo removal for Asian skin | Singapore Guide

Laser tattoo removal


So you got yourself a tattoo in your younger days, and you decided it’s time to start anew and get rid of it. The question is, are you suitable for tattoo removal?

How many treatments of laser do I need?

Depending on the size and color of your tattoo, the number of treatments will vary. You should schedule a consultation, during which time a trained professional will evaluate your personal situation and advise you on the process.

How long does laser tattoo treatment last?

It depends on the tattoo colour, ink depth and laser machine available. The entire laser tattoo removal process takes between 3-8 sessions. Each session lasts 30 minutes. This is a round figure so do speak to your doctor for more information.

Can tattoos be 100% removed?

Yes. Tattoos can be removed completely over time. Lasers are the safest and most effective way of removing tattoos. However multiple sessions may be needed before a tattoo completely disappears. The number of sessions depends on various factors like machine, patient and ink factors. Talk to a doctor for more information.

How much does it cost to remove a tattoo in Singapore?

Prices start from $125 per session depending on size and complexity of tattoo.


What affects the success rate of laser tattoo removal?

Treatment success varies from person to person. Factors influencing outcome include tattoo factors like age, size, colour and type of tattoo (amateur or professional) and human factors, the color of the patient’s skin, as well as the depth to which the tattoo pigment extends.

Regarding colours, black tattoos respond very well to lasers. Green and red colours however, tend to not respond as well.

Asians tend to have darker skin tone. That does pose a challenge. Darker skin patients tend to experience more side effects from the laser, for example permanent skin depigmentation.


What are the side effects of laser tattoo removal?

Side effects include redness, swelling, blisters, pigmentation changes, and in rare cases, visible remnant image of tattoo, and raised scarring.

In some cases, tattoos can darken due to oxidation, but they generally lighten after progressive treatments.


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