Rejuran Vs Skinboosters Vs PRP | Price Review Treatment Guide

 Rejuran treatment is a skin healing procedure using salmon DNA. It takes 4 weeks to see visible improvementS in your skin texture.


What is the skin rejuvenation. anti ageing craze in Korea?

Here is the background. A skin rejuvenation treatment took Korea by storm more than a year ago, with Korean celebrities  flocking to clinics to have this treatment on a regular basis. Korean women in their 30’s~50’s are so into REJURAN HEALER that we have to discuss it here today.

What is ‘REJURAN HEALER’ and how does it work?

  1. It is a Polyneucleotide filler, or loosely put, a DNA filler. Polynucleotides are known to assist with wound healing.
  2. REJURAN HEALER delivers DNA extracts ( polyneucleotides) into your skin. This repairs damaged dermal cells and keeps your skin healthy. In 7 days from the initial injection, you can feel your skin smoother and can notice enhanced firmness after 4 weeks.
  3. It gradually improves the general appearance and condition of your skin, keeping  your skin young and healthy. This is something that other fillers cannot do. This injection is recommended as an anti-aging treatment.

What is the difference between Rejuran, skinboosters and botox treatments?

  1. REJURAN HEALER: Repairs damaged skin dermal cells, keeping your skin young and healthy
  2. SKIN BOTOX:  softening wrinkles
  3. HYALURONIC ACID based SKINBOOSTERS: keeping dermis moisturized for longer time.

What are the benefits of Rejuran healer?

It is derived from Salmon fish germ cell extract. It can help in the following?

  1. Protecting skin cells and improving skin tone and elasticity – smoother, firmer skin
  2. Skin brightening effect
  3. Repairing damaged dermal cells, keeping your skin young and healthy

Can Rejuran be combined with other treatments?

Due to its superior safety & stability, Rejuran Filler can be combined with other treatments. It can also be used alone to bring natural revitalization of the skin.

How is it done?

  1. Numbing cream is applied.
  2. Microinjector machine is used to deposit tiny amounts under the skin.

 What can I expect after treatment and what are the side effects?

  • Immediately after the injections, the skin at the injection site may swell up; but this will go away in about 1 or 2 days. Injection marks are temporary.
  • So essentially, mild degrees of redness, swelling and small risk of bruising.

So what is the clinical evidence for Rejuran for skin rejuvenation?

We  know that fillers are not only for volumising, they also have a role in skin hydration and rejuvenation.

Let me first discuss skinboosters, and share with you the evidence behind it.

Kim et al 2014[1] conducted a study on 150 patients who had 1,000 injections of 1 cc Skinboosters-HA by injector gun. The patients were examined after 1, 2, 6, 12, and 24 months. Changes in skin texture were determined with regard to skin roughness and morphology, dermal hydration by electric resistance, dermal thickness by ultrasonic imaging, and biopsy. An intra-individual study was also performed to compare changes in skin texture between dermal and subdermal injections.

Results show that the skin texture, hydration and thickness significantly improved after this procedure. The dermis of the face and hand were thickened about 4% after dermal injection. The injection depth was confirmed by biopsy. Injections into the dermis changed both skin texture and thickness.

In summary, there is a role for hyaluronic acid skinboosters and polyneucleotide fillers in skin rejuvenation. Existing studies are a handful primarily because these treatments are relatively new. As the studies are of a smaller scale, and of lower quality, larger and more robust clinical trials are required to better evaluate the safety and efficacy of such treatments, especially so for the polyneucleotide filler.

[1] Kim, Jongseo. “Effects of injection depth and volume of stabilized hyaluronic acid in human dermis on skin texture, hydration, and thickness.” Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 20.2 (2014): 97-103.
[2] Park, Kui Young, et al. “Long‐chain polynucleotide filler for skin rejuvenation: efficacy and complications in five patients.” Dermatologic therapy 29.1 (2016): 37-40
[3] Pak, Chang Sik, et al. “A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Matched-Pairs, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial and Preclinical Animal Study to Compare the Durability, Efficacy and Safety between Polynucleotide Filler and Hyaluronic Acid Filler in the Correction of Crow’s Feet: A.” Journal of Korean medical science 29.Suppl 3 (2014): S201-S209.



How is the skinbooster treatment done? 

A handpiece will introduce the skinbooster directly into your skin via tiny microneedles.

What to expect after skinboosters? 

Post treatment, erythema is normal. This resolves spontaneously.

What are the benefits of skinboosters?

  1. Tiny droplets of hyaluronic acid just under your skin, to lock in the moisture.
  2. Stimulate collagen.
  3. Brightening and whitening your skin.

Pls note, everyone WILL BENEFIT from hydrated skin.

What are the results of skinboosters?

Dewy, radiant, glowing skin. Combination therapy yields optimum results.

Laser, Light, Peel

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How is it done?

Via a microneedle injector to deposit the hyaluronic acid filler directly into your skin.


Evidence based medicine 

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Anti ageing has always been a premium and a privilege. With advances in medical science, we have seen newer, safer and more effective techniques. . Staying young and natural never goes out of trend. On the subject of regenerative and anti ageing medicine, we will discuss PRP.

PRP – platelet rich plasma
PRP – platelet rich plasma

What is PRP? 

Platelet rich plasma (PRP), is plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), platelet concentrate (PC). It is an increased concentration of your body’s own platelets derived after centrifugation. It is rich in growth factors essential for skin recovery and healing.

Who can benefit from PRP?


  1. Burns – First and second degree
  2. Superficial injuries, cuts, and surgical wounds, ulcers and scars
  3. Hair loss disorders – PRP wakes up dormant hair follicles and stimulates new hair growth
  4. Anti ageing, rejuvenation – PRP injections can treat fine lines, photodamage and pigmentation, giving you a healthier, brighter glow
  5. Acute musculo-skeletal injuries
PRP for hair loss
Hair loss

Is PRP safe?

PRP is derived from your own body and poses no danger of allergy, hypersensitivity or foreign-body reactions. Complications are rare and may include infection.

Who is unsuitable for PRP?


  1. Coagulation disorders – Low platelet count ,Hypofibrinogenaemia or using anticoagulation therapy  (warfarin, dabigatran, heparin)
  2. Sepsis (infection)
  3. Chronic liver disease

Whats the clinical evidence to support PRP use in regenerative medicine?

Available data are based on multiple case studies conducted in numerous countries. These studies have demonstrated:

  1. Improvement in skin texture, tone and tightness within 21 days with ongoing growth
  2. Areas commonly treated using the PRP for rejuvenation include face and post-pregnancy stretch marks.
  3. We await randomised controlled trials to prove the efficacy of this treatment.

The future of regenerative and antiageing medicine continues to be promising. Stay tuned for subsequent articles on this rapidly growing field.


Pietro Gentile, Simone Garcovich, Alessandra Bielli, Maria Giovanna Scioli, Augusto Orlandi, Valerio Cervelli (2015). “The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Hair Regrowth: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial” (PDF). STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE.