young woman covering face with paint

Melasma treatment Singapore Clinical Update | 2024 Review

Melasma treatment Singapore. Melasma is indeed a challenging pigmentary disorder characterized by brown or gray-brown patches on the skin, typically on the face, and it can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Melasma is a common skin problem caused by brown to gray-brown patches on the face. Most people get it on their cheeks, chin, nose bridge, forehead.

Will melasma ever be cured?

How can I permanently remove melasma from my face?

To date, there is no curative treatment available for melasma treatment Singapore. However, various treatments and strategies were being used to manage the condition and improve its appearance. It’s important to note that medical knowledge and treatments may have evolved since then, so it’s always best to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional for the most up-to-date information and treatment options.

What are the new treatments for melasma? | Melasma Treatment Singapore

How I healed my melasma naturally?

  1. Photoprotection: Protection against UVB, UVA, and blue-violet visible light is crucial for managing melasma. The use of broad-spectrum tinted sunscreen helps prevent further pigmentation and recurrence of melasma.
  2. Topical Therapies: Topical treatments that inhibit tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin production, are commonly used. Hydroquinone and triple combination creams are often prescribed as reference drugs to reduce melanin production and improve pigmentation. Cysteamine is the other topical that yielded good results. Triluma, HQ 4% BD x 6/12,
  3. Oral Therapies: In more severe or resistant cases, oral therapies like tranexamic acid may be recommended. However, it’s important to note that tranexamic acid is a thrombophilic drug, and its use should be carefully considered and prescribed in select patients. Pycnogenol is also being studied as a systemic adjuvant in melasma treatment. TXA 250mg BD

Does Pynocare really work?

Pynocare Review - Does it Really Work? - KIKAYSIKAT

Clinical study has shown that Pynocare can lighten dark spot on facial skin and strengthening the skin structure.

What is the best laser treatment for melasma?

Procedures: Various procedures can be helpful in treating melasma, including microneedling, chemical peels, and laser therapy. These procedures can accelerate the removal of melanin from the epidermis and enhance clinical results. However, laser and light-based treatments should be used cautiously, as they can induce post-inflammatory melanogenesis.

What is the fastest way to remove melasma?

Combination Therapy: Combining topical bleaching agents with oral medications and procedures may provide faster and more effective results in managing melasma. However, strategies for preventing relapses and maintaining results are still under study.

1st Line: Triluma, HQ 4% BD X 6/12

2nd Line: Sf chem peels, TXA 250mg BD

3rd Line: Laser toning, RF Microneedle, HIFU (target BM)

Maintainence: spf, whitening agent


It’s important to stress that the management of melasma is individualized, and what works for one person may not work as effectively for another. Additionally, long-term maintenance and sun protection are often necessary to prevent the recurrence of melasma and to maintain the achieved results.

Since medical knowledge and treatments can evolve over time, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional who can assess your specific case and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on the latest research and guidelines.

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